Happy Birthday Kensington Parry!

Two years ago today, Kensington Parry incorporated. It feels like cause for celebration. We opened for trading in my spare room in early October 2017. In the beginning I would wonder if my phone would ring, if I would have a business and if I had made a very big mistake hanging up my own shingle. The hours were long, the uncertainty terrifying but I can with confidence say, changing jobs was for me the very best thing (aside from meeting my hubby) that has ever happened in my life. The time since has been really exciting and challenging but I don't think I would change a thing. Since opening Kensington Parry I have learnt more about myself, recruitment, people, business, and law than in any other time.
Knowing what I know now, I would tell anyone, who stands where I stood, paralysed and comfortable, too comfortable that there is lots to be gained by stepping outside your comfort zone, sometimes you have to take the plunge and in doing so you are not alone. Lots of people feel stuck. Change is scary but it is extremely rewarding too.
Since opening my own company, no two days have been the same. I have learnt stacks about my own self -worth, my own ambition and my own confidence (which has sky rocketed since I started to back myself-coincidence?).
I have spent the last two years consciously making an effort to put myself out there and as a result I have met some very interesting and wonderful people. I have sat alongside some of Australia’s best and brightest legal minds, I have shared our story, from the humble beginnings with contacts in Manhattan, London and Hong Kong (taking photos from firm’s lobbies, like any good tourist with an iPhone would). I have met CEO’s and CFO’s, Partners at global, national and boutique law firms. I have lunched and had coffee with global and national heads of talent, of recruitment and of procurement and I have chit chatted with influencers, academics and other business leaders to ensure that our candidates get top billing.
As a business we have already achieved more than I could have ever dreamt possible in a decade. I now have to force myself to re-imagine our future as we tick off that long list of goals we started out with, I have to remind myself that we are really only at the start of our journey.
None of this would be possible without our truly flexible workforce (yep, Kensington Parry are firm believers in flexible working), without their energy and enthusiasm none of anything we do could have ever been achieved.We are a team of passionate and driven recruiters and we strive hard to be the very best we can be and act with purpose.
I would also like to thank our candidates (past and present), you are awesome and we have loved working with you, assisting you, advising you and hopefully playing a very small part in changing the direction of your career.
Finally to our world beating clients- it is a joy to partner with you, we love working closely together, our success is your success. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey.
KP xx