9 reasons why your recruiter is your secret weapon.

When it comes to your career and the competitive minefield that is the legal industry any advantage can make the difference between landing your dream role or settling for something less
Whenever I speak to a candidate and they tell me they have submitted their CV through a friend or even applied directly, my heart sinks. Not because I am missing out on submitting a candidate for a role but because I know that they may have inadvertently “shot themselves in the foot,” before they have even started a recruitment process. Here are 9 reasons why using an agent is your best secret weapon
We can Negotiate for you and get you the Best Possible Package.
Working with law firms is what we live and breathe every day. Nobody is going to know the market better than we do and no-one is in a better position to get you the best package on offer or know if you are being low-balled.
We Protect your Reputation
Your friend may be your “best mate” in the world and one hell of a drinking buddy, but to be honest you have no idea how they are viewed at work. You have no idea if their recommendation would be taken seriously or if there are any concerns about their credibility
If you apply directly, you don’t know what someone might say/ remember about you or even worse – confuse you with someone else (trust me – it happens more often than you think!) This way, we protect your reputation and make sure your experience is marketed in the best possible way
We will “PUSH” for you
From our experience if apply directly – you may never know where your CV has gone or if it has gotten in front of the right people. If your friend submits your CV to HR, that is the extent of their involvement. They won’t follow-up with the internal recruiter; they won’t go into detail about your experience and why you would be a good fit; and they won’t have the knowledge to know how you compare to the rest of the market. Nobody will advocate for you like your recruiter will. Following up to the point where others may blush out of embarrassment is all a part of our general job description.
Good Recruiters are Trusted Advisors
Law firms are used to working with external recruitment agencies and have been doing so for years. They have budget for our fees and depend on our extensive knowledge of the market to provide them the best candidates available. We have the benefit of a track record and experience across the industry. If your recruiter has a good reputation in the market place, law firms will see them as a trusted advisor and value our insight.
Make sure the RIGHT people see your CV.
Your friend may know everyone in the litigation department, but that’s not really going to help you if you are corporate lawyer (or funds, constructions, finance etc). We work across law firms and have contacts in all the departments and can make sure your CV gets in front of the people who need to see it.
Interview Tips
Recruiters should be able to give you the inside scoop on what an interview will be like. Your agent should be able to run through some of the questions they expect will be asked during the meeting. They should also discuss with you some ways of handling any tricky questions that may come up (i.e. why you are looking for a role or what about the company appeals specifically).
Handle Multiple Offers.
After applying for multiple roles you may receive multiple offers. Using an agent can help you manage your processes so that they run in sync and that all parties are kept up to speed on your progress at other organizations and handle the timing of any subsequent offers you receive.
Protect your Friends / Network
I had a scenario recently where a friend interviewed at his best mate’s firm and then turned down the offer. It made things really awkward for his buddy afterwards as he was asked why he submitted his friends’ details if he his friend didn’t really want the job!? Recruiters keep the “personal” out of it and you won’t have to worry about your friendship surviving the recruitment process.
Assist with your Resignation.
An agent should be able to talk you through the process, be a sounding board and help make the process less stressful.
Give yourself the best competitive advantage. For a confidential discussion about your job search either in Australian or abroad please call me at +61 452 200 375 or email rbuchman@kensingtonparry.com